Can compliance and productivity coexist?

Because of the coronavirus pandemic and related CDC recommendations on social distancing, manufacturers are struggling to maintain production schedules, avoid work stoppages, and effectively train new employees while remaining compliant.

Shrinking Human Resources

Employers have fewer workers available to keep production lines moving as illness, stay-at-home orders and family obligations combine to reduce available labor.

Those workers that remain on the job cannot rely on the same communication methods we’ve all used up until now. Even a few extra feet of separation on a high-noise production line make face-to-face communication impossible, and unreliable under the best of circumstances.

Box plant.

New Ground Rules for Communication

The “shoulder-tap” method of getting a coworker’s attention is no longer possible with social distancing guidelines. Even then, it requires workers to remove their hearing protection and yell within a few feet of each other in order to be heard.
Automotive plant.

Training Breakdowns

The same problems that inhibit production line conversations make floor training for new employees an exercise in frustration for students and instructors. So how can manufacturers restore effective team communication, maintain productivity and train employees without violating CDC recommendations for social distancing?

Effective Team Communication At Social Distance

Sonetics Team Wireless Headsets enable natural conversation at a safe distance by combining conference call-like communication and hands-free operation with advanced hearing protection.

Team members can hear each other clearly even in high noise, which eliminates the need for face-to-face communication. Now workers can safely maintain social distance while continuing to collaborate and communicate as the work continues.

Sonetics Portable Wireless System.

How it works

Wireless headsets for teams convey a number of immediate benefits for manufacturers:
Removes the need for face-to-face conversation while maintaining team communication and collaboration.
Broken gears.
Minimizes the risk of communication errors from employees concerned about maintaining distance in high-noise environments.
Stopwatch indicating slowness.
Quick deployment avoids work stoppages and ensures that employers remain in compliance with health requirements.
Speed gauge.
Accelerates training by maintaining a “lifeline” of continuous communication between trainees and supervisors.
Improves efficiency as production demands increase.

Wireless Communication Solutions For Manufacturers

Sonetics Wireless Communication Solutions are proven effective tools for enabling team collaboration at social distance. Man­u­fac­tur­ers use wireless headsets to improve communication, protect their workers’ hearing, and accelerate training in high-noise environments.


Learn how manufacturing teams communicate effectively at social distance in high-noise environments.


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