
Construction Blogs: 4 Top Experienced Voices


Construction blogs are many. Just about every reputable publication, association and industry-affiliated company has one. But some construction blogs are better than others.

Blogs offer specialized perspectives that usually dig deeper than what’s available through traditional publishers. Much of the time they’re delving into local, international or niche subjects that may not have made it to the mainstream media yet are still intriguing as construction stories.

This is the first of a three-part series. I’ve developed a schema to separate the vast array of construction blogs into the following three categories:

  1. Experienced Voices: These blogs have a personal feel, driven by the hard work of one writer or curator.
  2. Tools & Technology: These are more focused, emphasizing tool reviews or a specific sector of the construction industry (e.g., construction software).
  3. Industry & News: These are typically more generic, offering insights into many construction sectors while doing so with somewhat unique perspectives.

I devised these labels to describe the primary themes of the blogs in each category. There’s definitely some cross-pollination of topics (i.e., tools and technology pop up in Experience Voices posts and industry news appears everywhere).

Here we focus on four Experienced Voices construction blogs. Look for Tools & Technology and Industry & News in future posts.

Construction Informer

Duane Craig knows his stuff. From labor issues to safety to punch lists, Craig seems to write to satisfy his own healthy curiosity about all things construction. He’s so adept at it that he raises the reader’s curiosity too. The Construction Informer’s extensive range of topics ensnares just about anyone with an interest in the construction industry. He sprinkles in a guest post here and there, but it’s Craig’s concise-but-always-informative posts that make this one of the most enjoyable construction blogs out there.

Construction Junkie

Shane Hedmond is a prolific blogger who has organically grown a large audience. His personal approach, frequent use of video and international scope combine to create easy-to-read articles on topics not readily accessible to most readers. For example, I never would have known about a rhino being rescued by a loader operator in South Africa or an excavator operator trapped in an Australian backyard dam were it not for Construction Junkie.

There’s much more than human interest stories here. Construction Junkie touches on everything from OSHA rules to solar shingles to construction technology. Because Construction Junkie is so prolific, this is one of those construction blogs you can visit almost every day.

Digger Man Blog

Under the banner of Earthmovers magazine in the United Kingdom, Nick Drew puts his 35 years of operating experience into his perspective on big iron stories from around the world. His industry updates are laced with his personal experience. His news reports, such as his story about cleanup in the aftermath of the 2016 Italian earthquake, inform while lending insight specific to big iron operators. And his nostalgic reflections on classic equipment evoke a “good ol’ days” feel without any bitterness about what the future holds.

Construction Law in North Carolina

A mobile device in landscape orientation showing an article on Construction Law North Carolina blog.

There are two kinds of tape you don’t need at a construction site: red tape and crime scene tape. Crime scene tape is a whole other matter, but red tape and how to navigate it successfully is a field of expertise that’s well represented in Melissa Dewey Brumback’s blog, Construction Law in North Carolina.

You don’t have to be in or from North Carolina to take advantage of Brumback’s expertise. As a partner at the Raleigh law firm Ragsdale Liggett PLLC, Brumback provides loads of valuable insight on construction contracts, liability and more. Check out her blog before you create or modify that next scope of work.

Share your favorite Experienced Voices @SoneticsCorp. I’m currently at work preparing articles for the Tools & Technology and Industry & News construction blogs. If you have any recommendations, please share!